
Montecatini Golf
A golf course in the Tuscan hills
One of the most beautiful in Europe
Montecatini Golf is 8 km from Hotel Parma & Oriente, its founding member, and has a magnificent golf course located in the Tuscan hills, behind the ancient Village of Montevettolini. Our hotel is still an honorary member of the Golf Club, so all guests have privileged access for booking and a 60% discount on the green fee.
Why choose Montecatini Golf:
Par 72
18 holes
Club house dating back to 1200
Wellness centre
Panoramic swimming pool
Hotel Parma e Oriente- VAT No. 00161220470
CIN Codes: IT047011A1QF4P4Z5H - IT047011A1IQ994OLM - IT047011A1BI6TZWNB
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